News about the GPT 2026: The next GPT probably will take place early in 2026. The problems will be published in the summer of 2025. If you are interested to take part or want to learn more about the GPT, please write us a mail:

News about the GPT 2025: The team from Aachen won the GPT 2025 in Heidelberg. [see more]

News about the IPT 2024: For the first time in the history of the IPT, Germany won the IPT… [press releases and more]

Pictures of the German team at the IPT 2022 in Columbia (More pics and a report of a student can be found here.):

What is the GPT?

Are you interested in exploring fascinating phenomena? Do you want to do your own investigations on open questions from physics? Do you enjoy discussing your ideas?

The German Physicists’ Tournament GPT is a German-wide physics competition on exactly such problems.


Choose one of the stunning problems and have fun with planning and performing your experiments. Do your own research and discuss in a team.


Get in touch with physics students from all over Germany!

Fight Together!

Present your solutions to other teams. Show that you understood the problem best and point out weaknesses in your opponents’ solution.


Perform best as reporter, opponent, and moderator. Or be in the best German physics team that wins the German Physicists’ Tournament. In the preselection GPTs, the German participants of the IPT are determined.

If you consider to participate in a future GPT, please write an e-mail to