GPT 2024

Poster of the event.
Discord server:

Information on the GPT 2024

What is the International Physicists’ Tournament/German Physicists’ Tournament?

The general principles of the GPT and the IPT can be found at Videos of example solutions can be watched at And even more information on the competition can be found on the homepage of the IPT:

The winners of the GPT 2024 will represent Germany in the IPT 2024 (maybe an international preselection process applies).

Who is allowed to participate?

All students that are somehow affiliated to German universities and have not yet reached their Master degree. Teams can consist of up to 6 students. Single students can also take part and will be assigned to a team by us.

To participate, it is sufficient to work on and prepare ideas for one or two problem per team member (of the problem sheet of the IPT 2024). There is no registration fee.

What are the rules of the GPT 2024?

The general principles of the GPT and IPT can be found here. Some additional rules for the GPT 2024 will hold and are similar to the rules of the GPT 2023 that are given here.

The differences are: Number of problems that have to be prepared: For the online round each team has to prepare three problems, for the in-person round the number of prepared problems is 3+number of team members (Note there is one permanent rejection per team). Bonus points: In the physics fights of the in-person round, each team gets one bonus point per physics fight that they participate in the online round (the jury might decide not to grant the point if the participation is considered not to be of suitable quality). In case two teams merge, the new team gets the maximum bonus points of the original teams. In case of changes to the team, a team can get the bonus points in case the core of the team is still the same as in the online competition. No final round: Note that the two physics fights of the in-person round will decide about who wins the GPT.

What is the schedule on the way to the GPT 2024?

~September 2023: Problems of the IPT were published:

~November 2023: Registration is open:

~December 15th, 2023: Deadline for regular registration

~January 13th, 2024: Online round of the GPT 2024 (not mandatory, i.e., if possible all participants qualify to participate in the in-person round; however the participating teams get bonus points)

~February 10th and 11th, 2024: In-person round of the GPT 2024 in Hamburg

~April 2nd to 6th, 2024: IPT 2024 in Zürich

If you are interested and want to participate in the GPT 2024 or future events, please write an e-mail to