GPT 2025

Information on the GPT 2025

Problems of the GPT/IPT 2025 are available on

What is the International Physicists’ Tournament/German Physicists’ Tournament?

The general principles of the GPT and the IPT can be found at Videos of example solutions can be watched at And even more information on the competition can be found on the homepage of the IPT:

The winners of the GPT 2025 will represent Germany in the IPT 2025.

Who is allowed to participate?

All students that are somehow affiliated to German universities and have not yet reached their Master degree. Teams can consist of up to 6 students. Single students can also take part and will be assigned to a team by us.

To participate, it is sufficient to work on and prepare ideas for one or two problem per team member (of the problem sheet of the IPT 2025: There is no registration fee.

What are the rules of the GPT 2025?

The general principles of the GPT and IPT can be found here. Some additional rules for the GPT 2025 will hold and are similar to the rules of the GPT 2023 that are given here. More details will be communicated later.

Are there any costs or fees?

There is no participation fee and for all participants that are invited to the in-person round the accommodation and the travel expanses will be fully covered (due to the support of the WE-Heraeus foundation).

What is the schedule on the way to the GPT 2025?

~September 2024: Problems of the GPT/IPT 2025 have been published on

~Mid of January 2025: Online round of the GPT 2025

~End of January 2025: In-person round of the GPT 2025 (probably in Heidelberg)

~April 2025: IPT 2025 (probably in Poland)

If you are interested and want to participate in the GPT 2025 or future events, please write an e-mail to