Qualification is over
You can find the results of the selective physics fights here. We are looking forward to an interesting final tomorrow. Best of luck to the teams.
German section of the International Physicists' Tournament
You can find the results of the selective physics fights here. We are looking forward to an interesting final tomorrow. Best of luck to the teams.
Today the German Physicist’s Tournament went to its second edition. Three teams joined the fun and competed in the first selective physics fight. These are the results after day one: straight outta prism: 37.5 **** me if I
We hope to see you all on Friday the 8th of December. To ensure a good start in the tournament, it is necessary to know your individual journey schedule. If not done already, please give us the mail-addresses and (of
This is an important message for all participants: Due to severe health issues, a few participants are not able to attend the tournament anymore. Therefore we will go back to the original line up according to the IPT regulations. This
Dear Teams: We are happy to announce your are going to stay at Jugendherberge Frankfurt. On the 8th of December you can check in starting 13:00. They also have a luggage room, so if you arrive early you can drop your luggage
The registration is now closed and we are happy to announce the 5 teams participating in this years GPT. That are three teams more than last year. We are now doing last preparation for the tournament. We wish all teams
Since the advertisement of the tournament started later than expected we want to give more teams the chance to sign up for the tournament. It is not to late to start preparing for the tournament. 5 weeks of preparation are
Several teams were worried to solve not enough problems. We say: Don’t you worry! Each team will have 4 tactical and 1 eternal rejection. With these you will be able to compete against teams who solved lots of problems even
All of us were waiting for this moment to happen. The executive committee finally announced that the IPT 2018 will be hosted by After several years of absence the IPT returns to its founding country Russia. The tournament will presumably
See here